The Levy for the 2024/25 harvest
The levy was set at $3.95 + gst per tonne.
Payout for the 2024/25 harvest
Growers will receive a pay out of $245 + gst per tonne on a claim. This is not full cover, but disaster relief to meet the cost of production. Growers can additionally top up the premium with their farm insurers.
A Reminder of how the scheme works
The premium is paid in arrears on the tonnage delivered, regardless of whether this is to a flourmill or any other end user. The levy is deducted from the payment and sent on to UWG. This is a compulsory legal requirement, endorsed by the recently held grower election.
UWG has no problem with farmer to farmer trading, providing the levy is paid. The situation is the same if the wheat is not sold, but used within the same operation. In this case the grower is responsible for sending the payment to UWG.
If you have a disaster
If a grower is unfortunate enough to have a disaster they should first telephone FMG, our insurers to register their claim, on 0800 366 466. FMG will then appoint an assessor, this person will be a local grower, possibly a director or an Electoral Committee member. The assessor will make an initial appointment to visit your crop, then subsequent visits if necessary to determine the loss.
When there is a serious event finding enough assessors can be a problem, so growers may have to wait for an inspection. We are always looking for more volunteers at these times.

We are proud to announce Syd Worsfold was inducted into the newly formed NZ Arable Hall of Fame at the Arable Awards held in Christchurch on 15 August 2024.
Syd was recognised for his 40 years of service and support to the arable industry, holding the record as the longest serving United Wheatgrowers director, and was an inaugural member of the FAR Board. Syd was hailed as a willing support and mentor for any grower who needed help or advice and we want to congratulate Syd for this fantastic accolade which he thoroughly deserves.

United Wheatgrowers are excited to once again be a part of this excellent industry event that recognises and celebrates the incredible people we have in the New Zealand Arable sector.
This annual event will take place at the Wigram Airforce Museum on the 15th of August 2024.
Please visit the arable awards website below for more details and to get your tickets.

Launch of Farm Saved Seed Royalties Payment Portal
After extensive consultations with seed companies and farmer representatives, the Plant Breeding & Research Association (PBRA) is excited to announce the imminent launch of a new website. The platform will enable growers to record the amount of seed saved and reused during the production year.
Under the provisions of the recently enables Plant Varieties Rights Act (2022), breeders of plant varieties are entitled to receive royalties from farmers who save and reuse protected seed varieties. To facilitate this process, growers will be asked to voluntarily declare their usage of protected varieties and make corresponding payments.
In terms of how the royalty’s system will work, growers log on to a user-friendly web portal, record the quantity of wheat or barley seed saved by variety, complete their details and make secure online payment to the collection entity.
For the current year, a flat rate royalty payment applies. For Barley seed the rate will be $150 per tonne and $300 per tonne for Wheat seed. These rates will be reviewed annually and published for transparency.
The royalty collection entity, a non-profit organisation, supports rights holders. Funds remitted through voluntary declarations are passed on to the relevant plant breeder or rights holder.
These royalties, in turn, incentivise further research and development of new and improved cultivars to enhance farm productivity, profitability and sustainability.
Thomas Chin, PBRA’s general manager, says plant breeding delivers traits such as improved disease resistance, enhanced yield and greater tolerance to drought and insects.
The law recognises that farmers can continue to freely use non-PVR protected or common varieties without paying royalties.
Similar farm-saved seed royalty systems operate worldwide, including in markets NZ often competes, such as Australia, the UK, Ireland, Denmark, and France.
For more information on farm saved seed royalties, please contact

2024 AIMI Survey Report
The AIMI New Zealand survey of cereal areas and volumes as at April 2024 has been released.
Please click here to access the results.

Please see the below link.
Annual Report

United Wheatgrowers Cost Benefit Analysis
As part of the process of renewing our Compulsory Levy, The Agribusiness Development Group has prepared a Cost Benefit Analysis of UWG services.
Pleas click here to view this analysis.

Past News Items:
